Building Your Wardrobe

How To Make Sure Your Marketing Shirts Turn Out Well

Having your employees and customers wear t-shirts with your business information on them is a great way to advertise. But this is only true if the t-shirts look nice and therefore represent your business well. How do you make sure the custom t-shirts you order actually turn out? Here are some tips to help ensure success.

1. Create several designs and have others review them

You may think a certain t-shirt design looks nice, but others may be able to point out something that is blatantly wrong with it. To avoid ordering shirts that don't reflect well on you, create two or three different designs and then ask your friends and employees for input. Have them tell you which they like best and why. See if they have any suggestions for improvement. Take their feedback into account when you choose the final design for your t-shirt.

2. Keep things simple

You can include a little more than your business name, but you do not want to go into so much detail that people are too intimidated to even read the shirt. A logo, your business name, and a catchy slogan are just fine. Make sure everything is large enough that you can read it from about 15 feet back.

3. Ask to see a preview

You don't want to order 100 shirts only to get them and realize that the print overflowed onto the sleeve in a weird way. Most t-shirt printing companies will give you the option of ordering a single preview shirt, although they may charge you a little more for this. It's worth it, though, because you may have just one wasted shirt rather than a whole order.

4. Work with a good printer

You don't want to skimp and save when it comes to your t-shirt printer. A teenager who prints shirts in their spare time in their garage is not, for example, as good of a choice as a professional company that has been in business for 5 years. You should read plenty of reviews before you hire someone. Ask to see examples of their work, too. Good designers and printers are proud of their work and will be more than happy to show you examples.

If you follow the tips above, you should have no trouble designing a t-shirt that markets your business well. Over time, you can make changes to your design as you order more shirts.

Contact a company that sells custom shirts for more information.